Web Assisted Learning andTeaching of Tamil
- 1000+ English Idioms in Use with pictures and meanings + examples. Best idioms collection for intermediate and advanced English learners.
- How to Improve your Vocabulary 100 words to Impress an Examiner! Here are 100 advanced English words which should you be able to use them in a sentence will impress even educated native speakers! Perfect if you want to impress the examiner in examinations like: IELTS, TOEFL and Cambridge CAE and CPE.
- The fast English-Malayalam, Malayalam-Malayalam Dictionary with hundreds of thousands of words and definitions. ഓളം അതിവേഗ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് → മലയാളം ← മലയാളം നിഘണ്ടു.
Welcome to the University of Pennsylvania's Website for Learning and Teaching Tamil. This is a project of the Penn Language Center and is funded partially by a grant from the Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning, with the joint participation of Tamil-teaching faculty at the Universities of Chicago, Cornell, and Pennsylvania.
(Visit our new site with videos filmed in many authentic Tamil speech contexts - funded by the South Asia Language Resource Center (SALRC).
Contents of this site is also available in book and Dvd, which may be purchased at Amazon)
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This site displays Tamil font dynamically from most of the pages, and you don't need to install Tamil font in your computer to view Tamil. However, you need to use the browser versions Netscape 4.0 or higher or Internet Explorer 4 or higher to get this effect.
An introductionto this site
Introductionto the Tamil AlphabetThis module canbe used to practice making the various characters that make up the Tamil alphabet.
PreliminaryLessonsThis module provides lessonsstarting from very basic Tamil sentences to complex sentences gradually introducing all the frequently occurringvocabulary items.
A Grammarof Spoken Tamil by Harold F. SchiffmanThisis a reference grammar of Spoken Tamil, with examples given in Tamil script and in transliteration. It is not apedagogical grammar; it can be useful in looking up matters of grammar about which you might have questions, butit does not provide a step by step program for the acquisition of Tamil grammar, which should instead bedone using our pedagogical modules.
Tell A Tale(Beginning and Intermediate Tamil)
Answer questions based onyour comprehension of the story æ´ ¶ÿ»Õ(Yuka Canti) , and email them to your teacher. (AdvancedLevel)
English Vocabulary With Malayalam Meaning Pdf Free
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English Vocabulary With Malayalam Meaning Pdf Download
A Project of Penn Language Center The Consortiumfor Language Teaching and Learning |
If you're trying to learn Malayalam, check our courses below about adjectives, adverbs, articles, gender (feminine, masculine...), negation, nouns, numbers, phrases, plural, prepositions, pronouns, questions, verbs, vocabulary, excercises... to help you with your Malayalam grammar. Below are our free Malayalam lessons. Enjoy our courses!
Malayalam Lessons
English Words With Malayalam Meaning Pdf
Homepage | Alphabet | Numbers |
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Nouns | Articles | Pronouns |
Plural | Feminine | Verbs |
Prepositions | Negation | Questions |
Videos | Reading | Romanization |
Transliteration | Quiz | Game |
Malayalam, with the stress on the third syllable, is spoken on the Malabar (western) coast of extreme southern India, chiefly in the state of Kerala, and also in the Laccadives. It is one of the Dravidian languages (southern group) and is most closely related to Tamil. There are about 35 million speakers. Speakers of Malayalam (which originally meant 'mountainous country') are called Malayalis, and constitute 4% of the population of India. Over a period of 4 or 5 centuries, from the 9th century on, the common stock of Tamil and Malayalam apparently disintegrated giving rise to two distinct languages. The alphabet, which dates from the 8th or 9th century, also developed out of the script called 'Grantha'. The English words 'teak', 'copra', and 'atoll' all come from Malayalam.
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