Last Updated on 2021-05-06 by
Old stuff and miscellanea I developed for Homeworld and Homeworld 2. To see some of my newer stuff, go back to the main page page.
The Homeworld Remastered Collection introduces Relic's acclaimed space strategy games Homeworld and Homeworld 2 to modern players and operating systems using the newest sophisticated graphics rendering technology, plus a fully remastered score and new. Homeworld 2 free download video game for Windows PC. download free. full version “Homeworld 2” from Gameslay. The game setup is tested and 100% fully working PC Game for free Download. The direct/torrent download from is highly compressed and free of. Gateway II: Homeworld, a really nice adventure game sold in 1993 for DOS, is available and ready to be played again! Time to play an interactive fiction, sci-fi / futuristic, licensed title. Homeworld Remastered Collection-RELOADED Download Free PC Games Homeworld and Homeworld two unquestionably aren’t very simple video games, but their complexity would be the fulfilling sort.Managing fleets that can go freely in full-3D area is hard to have the cling of, and it may be tricky to even figure out what is likely on when two armadas of fighters, bombers, and corvettes are all.
Link | HW1C Branching Tree Maker v1.0.0: An HTML form that generates a branching tree of resources that you can then copy and import into HW1. The amount and frequency of branching, as well as the number of intervals between branchings, may be specified. |
Link | HW1C Elliptical Ring Maker v1.1.0: An HTML form that generates an elliptical resource ring that you can then copy and import into HW1. The major and minor axes, as well as the ring’s width and thickness, may be specified. Screenshot 1 is of an ellipse with constant ring-width. Screenshot 2 is of an ellipse with ring-width inversely proportional to curvature. Screenshot 3 is of a circle with an inner radius of zero. |
Download Discussion Readme | HW2C .ARCIV Compiler v1.1.3: A command-line tool to read .arciv files generated by ModPackager and compile the files listed in them using LuaC. (Download size: 10KB) |
Download Discussion Readme | HW2C .ARCIV Decompiler v1.0.0: A command-line tool to read .arciv files generated by ModPackager and decompile the files listed in them using CFLuaDC. (Download size: 10KB) |
Download Readme | HW2C .ARCIV Pretty-Printer v1.1.2: A command-line tool to read .arciv files generated by ModPackager and pretty-print the files listed in them using HW2 Pretty Printer. (Download size: 10KB) |
Download Discussion Discussion Readme | HW2C DataZip v20080322: The HW2 Lua scripts decompiled using LuaDC.exe and pretty-printed using HW2 Pretty Printer. Where applicable, scripts have been replaced with those from the RDN Toolkit. (Download size: 750KB) |
Download Discussion Readme | HW2C HODManager FE v1.2.0: A GUI frontend program for pipakin’s text-based hardpoint editor (a.k.a. HardEd). (Obsolete; use CFHodEd instead. Download size: 10KB) |
Download Discussion Readme | HW2C Manager v1.2.2: A GUI tool for setting up and configuring Homeworld 2’s command-line options before running the game. You can save your configurations to disk, and create shortcuts on your desktop. (Download size: 15KB) |
GitHub Discussion Readme | HW2C MissionDude: A GUI level editor for HW2. Features native support for (some of) my custom level functions. Allows you to import levels and continue working on them. |
Link | HW2C Thumbnail Template: A small tool I wrote to format and overalay text on map thumbnails. |
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Download | HW1C Ship Stats Spreadsheet v1.0.1: This spreadsheet lists the ship stats for the unpatched and patched versions of the original Homeworld, up to and including the Raider Retreat 1.6 patch. (Download size: 200KB) |
Download Discussion | HW2C Karos Graveyard v20070904: A downloadable, read-only archival version of the Karos Graveyard wiki in HTML Help format. (Download size: 1.07MB.) |
Download Discussion | HW2C Keyboard Overlay v1.2.1: Print this image at 96dpi, cut it out along the dotted lines, and lay it on top of your keyboard. (Note: Make sure you delete the mask layer if you don’t intend to modify the image. Download size: 200KB) |
Download | HW2C SCAR Reference v1.1.0: Relic’s SCAR reference in HTML Help format. (Download size: 50KB) |
Download Discussion | HW2C Ship vs. Ship Odds Spreadsheet v2.1.0: Based on tests using my Play Balancing mod, it contains calculated combat odds of each ship type versus every other. I’ve also tried to factor in economics to determine which solutions are the cheapest/quickest. (Download size: 100KB) |
Download Discussion Readme | HW2C Updated RDN Tuning Spreadsheets v1.3.0: Cleaned-up versions of the tuning spreadsheets included in Relic’s RDN Toolkit. (Download size: 600KB) |
Download Discussion Readme | HW2C Campaign Menu Item Mod v0.7.0: This mod adds a “Campaign” menu item to your Homeworld 2 main menu, allowing you to select which campaign you would like to play. An example 12-mission campaign called “Postmortem” is included. The mod doesn’t work properly, at the moment. The menus are complete; however, I am missing access to the functions which allow you to start the game with the selected level. (Download size: 50KB) |
Download Discussion | HW2C Coordinate Axes v1.0.0: A simple ship model that shows the XYZ coordinate axes of a map level in red, green and blue. (Download size: 10KB) |
Download Discussion Readme | HW2C Credits Menu Item Mod v1.2.2: This mod adds a “Credits” menu item to your Homeworld 2 main menu. Besides adding or replacing any images, you will only have to modify “ModCheckList.lua” in order to configure the menu to work with your own mod. (Download size: 20KB) |
Download Discussion Readme | HW2C Multiple-Choice Dialogue Menu v1.0.0: Here’s what I was able to come up with. It’s a gametype script featuring a scriptable multi-choice dialogue system like what is found in many RPGs. To test it out, simply start a deathmatch skirmish and try talking to the shipyard and marine frigate. (Download size: 13.6KB) |
Download Discussion Readme | HW2C Play Balancing Mod v1.2.0: This gamerule for Homeworld 2 Classic iterates through a list of ships, pitting them in combat against one another, allowing you to compare the performance of one ship to the performance of the rest of the fleet. Using this method, one can maybe gauge to some degree of accuracy the relative combat strength of one ship type versus another. (Download size: 55KB) |
Download Discussion Readme | HW2C Point-Buy System v0.6.2: This was intended to become a point-buy system for Homeworld 2. Development never progressed very far, however. (Download size: 500KB) |
DownloadDiscussion Readme | HW2C Tag-Team Mod v1.1.0: This mod divides each multiplayer match into seperate rounds. One player from each team plays in each round. A round ends when a player defeats all his/her opponents in that round. Players in successive rounds receive all RUs and research accrued by teammates in previous rounds. The game is won when the last player wins the final match. (Download size: 5KB) |
Steam Discussion Readme | HW2C Test Mission Grid v0.9.5: This test mod modifies the game so that missions are organized in a grid or table-like fashion. Instead of proceeding through the singleplayer campaign in a linear, sequential fashion, you now exit each mission by landing on one or more special “zones” that take you to a neighboring adjacent sector. Included with the mod is the Postmortem campaign created by following WyvernNZ’s tutorial. (Download size: 750KB) |
Download Discussion Discussion Readme | HW2C Tournament Manager v1.3.0: Two proofs-of-concepts for multiplayer tournaments I came up with over the last few years. In the first concept players are positioned on a sort of network or web and take turns fighting to gain control and capture the opposing team’s home sector. The second example is more like an elaborate game of chess where players take turns moving across a square grid in order to combat and defeat their opponents. In this version there are also a number of special tiles such as power-ups that players can land on to gain bonuses or penalties. Both versions either are or can be exported to vector image formats like SVG. (Download size: 1MB) |
Mods & Maps
Homeworld 2 Steam
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GitHub Steam ModDB Discussion Discussion Discussion ReadmeReadmeReadme | HW2C Homeworld Classic Enhanced: This mod combines the HW Classic Rebalance and Gameplay Enhanced mods into one, single mod, providing you with a greater number of gameplay options than either mod alone. Development of those earlier mods has thus stopped in favor of this one. The first discussion link is for this mod. The second discussion link is for my old Homeworld Classic Rebalance mod. The third discussion link is for Luke Moloney’s original Homeworld Classic mod. |
Steam ModDB Discussion Readme | HW2C Gameplay Enhanced for Homeworld Universe: A version of my Gameplay Enhanced mod re-configured to work with the Homeworld Universe mod. |
Download ModDB Discussion Readme | HW2C Map Thumbnail Replacements v1.3.0: This mod replaces the default multiplayer map thumbnails with ones that depict player starting positions. (Download size: 200KB) |
GitHub Steam Discussion Readme | HW2C Map Collection v1.19.0: A collection of my multiplayer maps and custom map making functions. (Download size: 6.7MB) |